At a glance: Do I qualify for Starfish Sobriety House? What can I expect living here?
Starfish Transitional Living is a 6 to 9 month program.
Residents can stay up to two years as long as progress is being made towards self sustainability goals.
Residents receive a certificate upon completion.
What Can I Expect at Starfish Transitional Living?
Starfish Sobriety House Resident Info
All guests are drug and alcohol screened.
All guests are drug and alcohol screened randomly throughout their stay. A meeting with staff will occur with the finding of any positive results and plan on how to best serve you. Starfish has a zero-tolerance drug policy.
Your participation is necessary to make your goals a reality.
Starfish strongly believes in a strength-based model in assisting women with achieving their desired goals. We will meet you where you are. While you are a resident, we will help you create an individualized goal plan to work on.
As a resident, your safety and sobriety is a priority for us.
We will do our part and ask that you do yours to be sure that not only your personal safety but that of the other guests with Starfish are being looked after. We ask that you are kind, respectful and come from a place of understanding when confronting issues or addressing concerns.
Do I Qualify for Services?
Starfish Transitional Living provides sober living housing, job support, peer support, and mental health resources for young adult women aged 18 to 28 in recovery.
If you do not qualify for our services please reach out to Ozark Recovery or a place or your choice. Click here to apply to Ozark Recovery Housing or call their access line at 816-808-2233.

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